How Super + Notion Helped me MVP a Resume Site in a Day

Luke Tyler
4 min readOct 22, 2021

Notion has been a trusted tool of mine for well over a year. I’ve used it for Melobleep and previously at a startup as a simple management tool.

I decided to build out a resume/profile type site and leveraged Super to start giving it the boost that would set my profile apart. For those of you interested in taking a look, I’m on — and I’ve barely begun to use the features of Super yet!

Why I was Doing It

I’m open to new employment opportunities at the moment and wanted a place to showcase all of the things that I can do. I work at the intersection of strategy, creativity and operations. Because of this, I feared that a one page resume wouldn’t do me much justice.

So, I decided to spin up my own Notion site. I’ve used it for a good while to manage both my projects and a number of personal things. For anyone that’s used Notion, you’ll know it’s amazing for getting stuff done quickly.

Why Did I Opt for Super?

I wanted to get a portfolio site out there, and quickly. I’m not a patient person, and I’m always challenging myself to get to an MVP as quickly as I can.

Before I considered using Notion for this, I’d definitely seen Super floating around Twitter. I’m regularly talking with indie creators and many of them use Notion of an extension of their work, too.

When I bumped into Super again, it piqued my interest. The showcase of existing user sites definitely gave me the confidence that I could do something cool, and quickly.

The Value of the Community

Once I was a paid member, I had access to a community. There’s loads of users in there that can learn from one another, share ideas and best practices. From being part of several creator communities, I’ve learned you can make some great friends organically in these groups too, even if you’re following completely different missions.

Learning from A Content Powerhouse

The beauty of Notion is so much of it is self-serve, and there’s several ways to get the result you want. Super augments that by offering The Builder.

You can grab a hold of pretty much any templated element you want and run with it. The beauty of this is I know I’ll be using it some way into the future when i have a vision of where else I can take my site.

The Benefits of Super + Notion

My Own Domain

Site configuration is something I’m not a massive fan of. But I figured I might take the next step if I found a cheap enough domain with my name on it. I settled on — it was inexpensive and easy to enough to remember.

However easy it is, I feel like having my own domain sets me apart from other job seeking candidates who don’t have a website or portfolio in their corner of the internet.

In a previous job role, I’d interviewed between 30–50 people, and when any candidate did anything to differentiate themselves from the crowd, it really showed. I decided to follow suit. It’s 2021 after all.

I bought the domain got setup pretty easily. I’d figured my way around DNS before, but Super’s instructions were a piece of cake. I’d found out later that they’d already created a guide specifically for GoDaddy domains.

Access to Simple, But Useful Functions

I’m a sucker for a navbar. I deliberately built my Notion site out in a way that could circumvent the issue of actually having no top navbar.

No sooner had I jumped into Super before realising there was simple solution available for this too. For now, I’ve opted for a default theme until I can figure out how I might want to style this with some code. It’s a great start at least.

There’s loads of quick things you can do here to change things up. Want dark mode? No problem, it’s done.

A Whole World of Inspiration

I designed my Notion site largely by guesswork. When I searched for Notion templates, I quickly found other fantastic sites in Super’s showcase. This is when I decided to go for Super to be honest. It’s a totally competitive monthly cost, and feels less like boring website management. Notion is just familiar to me and Super naturally feels that way too.

When I was in, I found an entire builder full of templated components I could use. There’s also a marketplace where people sell their templates. This is ideal if you’re looking to run with an existing idea and make it your own.

It gave me real food for thought when deciding what my little personal site could evolve into over the coming weeks and months. To be able to drag entire components into my existing site and make tweaks sounds like a real time saver.

The Take Away

I wanted to showcase my skills in some kind of portfolio. I wanted it done quickly. In less than two afternoons, I’d built the whole thing out on Notion, then turned it into a website and glossed it up with Super.

If you’re looking for a quick way to centralise ideas or concepts, or even go further, I’d encourage you to take a look!



Luke Tyler

I’m the founder of, where I creating music to amplify brands and creators. I talk about music and creativity here!